
Publis’ 2006 Politician Awards, Jan. 2007

As the 2007 Legislature convenes, Publis takes time to reflect on watching politics unfold in our Aloha State in 2006. We give a special thanks to Ed Case for making what would have been a particularly boring election year into a mildly interesting one. We also have to give our customary thanks to the Board of Education candidates for, as usual, giving us lots of comedy fodder. Below are Publis’ politician awards for 2006. May 2007 be at least as interesting.

Biggest Sacrificial Lamb of 2006
Randy Iwase
Runner Up: Cynthia Thielen

Most Interesting New Politician of the Year
Kim Coco Iwamoto
Runner Up: Kris DeRego

Biggest Winner after Losing an Election
New Senate President Colleen Hanabusa
Runner Up: Sen. Clayton Hee

Biggest Loser after Winning an Election
Rep. Dwight Takamine
Runner Up: Rep. Sylvia Luke
Honorable Mention: Rep. Scott Saiki

Dumbest Decision of the Year to Attempt to Move Up
Congressman Ed Case
Runner Up: Every other candidate for CD2 not named Hirono or Hanabusa

Smartest Decision of the Year Not to Move Up
Mayor Harry Kim
Runner Up: Councilmember Charles Djou

Biggest Comeback of the Year
Sen. Mike Gabbard
Runner Up: Rep. Gene Ward

Worst Comeback Attempt of the Year
Kimo Apana
Runners Up: Tie between BOE Candidates and Frm. Reps. Terrence Tom, Bob McDermott and Brian Yamane

Biggest Winner After Opposing Mufi on Rail
New Council Chair Barbara Marshall

Biggest Loser After Supporting Mufi on Rail
Councilmember Donovan Dela Cruz
Runner Up: Councilmember Ann Kobayashi

Most Happy with Akaka Re-election
Gov. Linda Lingle
Runner Up: Congressman Neil Abercrombie

Most Happy with Lingle Re-election
Mayor Mufi Hannemann
Runner Up: Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona

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